Moving on…

Most social media accounts tend to be a highly edited view into someone’s life, showing all the highlights but rarely the lows.  I want this blog to be a perfectly honest account of my life so I know this post is necessary.  I couldn’t write about it right away because I didn’t want to publish anything that I might later regret.  Anyways, after dating for over six years I broke up with my boyfriend when I found out he cheated on me.

When I found out, I was obviously VERY angry.  To betray someone’s trust like that is just inexcusable.  But aside from the anger, I am actually very excited about what the future has in store for me!  It was like the world opened up to me.  Since we graduated college and were both living at home, I could tell we were growing apart.  I think we realized we have different goals and values and that is what started pushing us apart.  That’s not an excuse for why he did it but I think it’s why I have been able to handle it so well.  I would like to take this time to thank my family and friends for being the most loving and supportive people in the entire world, especially Teresa (the sister running the half marathon with me).

Now that I have had some time to adjust, I’m ready to move on… quite literally.  I’ve been living at home with my parents since I graduated, wanting to move out but thinking I would wait to move out with him.  Now that I have no strings attached I have decided I am going to move to Austin, TX.  From what I have heard, it is an awesome place to live.  My brother has been living there for a year and has told me how much I will love it.  An active, outdoorsy city with no blizzards or polar vortexes.  What more could I ask for?  I’m going to visit at least once and wait until I have a job before I make the official move but I don’t think the Northeast has much more to offer me at this point in time.

So, how has the running been going?

Well, the week before this happened was fantastic!  I stopped at the running store to see what they had to say about nutrition.  I did my long run that Sunday using Gu for the first time and had a really great run (minus the torrential downpour in the middle).

The week after that I didn’t run at all.  I am apparently the opposite of an emotional eater and found it pretty difficult to run while not eating so much.  The next week, I started to get back in a little bit with two shorter runs.

This past week was much better.  I went for 3 decent runs during the week.  On Saturday, I want for a hike and LONG walk with a friend from high school that I hadn’t talked to in years but reached out when she heard about my breakup.  It has been so good catching up with her and I can tell we are definitely going to friends again from here on out!  I tried to get back into the long runs this Sunday but the weirdest thing happened and I don’t know why.  As I started running, my upper legs got so itchy I couldn’t even stand it.  I tried to tell myself it was mind over matter and push through.  After a mile with clenched fists and visible scratches on my legs, I knew I had to turn around and get a Benadryl at home.  Once the benadryl kicked in, the itching stopped.  I was mentally ready to try the run again but it felt like my body was filled with lead so I just napped in front of the TV for the rest of the day.

Thankfully, I went into training knowing that the training plan is really just the ideal plan.  Life gets in the way and you have to adjust.  I’m going to have to put in some serious work in the next few weeks and I’m a little nervous for the half marathon.  In the end though,  I’m doing it for fun and to be able to say I could.  If I can’t run the whole thing this time, who cares?  I can always train for another one!

Bonus:  I got a new phone finally so I can track my runs again and listen to music!!!!

10 Day You Challenge- 9 Loves

I planned on doing this earlier today but I was so exhausted from being up earlier than usual all week long, I couldn’t muster up the energy to type up my list until now.  Yeah, a list of 9 things.  I have to say though, this one was difficult to come up with because it’s hard to narrow it down to just 9 things!


1. My awesome family!  I grew up in a family of 6 and I have a huge extended family.  My siblings and parents are pretty much the best you could ask for.  And the extended family is fantastic too.

My younger sisters, my dad, my sister-in-law, my brother, my mom, and me!

My younger sisters, my dad, my sister-in-law, my older brother, my mom, and me!

2. My boyfriend.  We have been dating for 6 years now, 4 of them long distance while in college.  And he still puts up with me!  Running related, he ran with me in my first 5k and helped me so that I ran the whole thing!

This is an action shot.  We were actually steering the boat.

This is an action shot. We were actually steering the boat.

3. Our two dogs (a chocolate lab and a one-year-old Rottweiler).  The chocolate lab dragged me along when I first started running.  The Rottweiler is the cutest living thing on this entire planet.  He can be wacky sometimes but seriously cute.

The big guy in the puppy's crate and the puppy on my mom's chair.

The big guy in the puppy’s crate and the puppy on my mom’s chair.

4. The RunKeeper app.  One day, I was looking on my phone for what new apps I should get.  Something made me click on the RunKeeper app.  I picked one of the 5k training plans, went for my first run EVER, and haven’t looked back!  I like tracking miles and times because it gives me a sense of accomplishment Smile

5. My Move Nourish Believe Journal from Lorna Jane. It’s like a day planner/healthy living motivational guide rolled into one.  I like to write down all my workouts in there, running or otherwise.

6. The color turquoise.  My room is decorated with this color, my clothes tend to be in this color.  I just love it.

7. Reading.  I love love love a good book.  I’ve been reading a lot of non-fiction the past couple years but I get hooked by a good story too.

8. Green Tea Lattes from Starbucks.  Before I started liking coffee this was my go-to drink whenever I went to Starbucks.  Now I’m obsessed.

9. Thunderstorms.  Who doesn’t love a good thunderstorm?  After a hot, humid summer day, the weather finally breaks and the sky opens up.  Perfect for curling up inside with a good book.  Not good for running but you can always work in a rest day every once in a while!

With that said, I am now going to curl up in my bed (another thing I love) after an exhausting week.  I am going to sleep in until the last possible minute in the morning.  And then I can even sleep in the next morning too.  Woohoo!!!